
The 4 Pillars of Stone Methodology for higher consciousness and transformation: Self Inquiry Process Work, Hands-on Energy Healing, Somatic Meditation, & Movement

Michelle is a trained Healing Science Practitioner from the four-year Brennan Healing School of Science program. Brennan is intensive training in extensive hands-on energy healing skills, psychodynamics, and spiritual psychology.

She works with hands-on energy healing to unblock and release held experiences, movement to restore the body's natural harmony, and guided meditation as modalities for transformation in her private and group work. In addition, she works with the limited belief systems that keep us tied up in habitual patterns to bring awareness and change. Her multi-dimensional work includes working with the present, ancestral, and generational cords and the collective unconscious to unblock deep-rooted attachments and connect to the individual’s essence.

Her hands-on energy works on all levels of the human energy field, including cells, organs, chakras, and the subject's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. She performs energetic organ reconstructive surgery, spiritual, pre-, and post-surgery.

Her work is both profound, loving, and open.

“Everything that we are and could become is housed in our bodies. The mind, the heart, the soul, and the spirit is the body, not separate from it. The power of the integrated body to heal is endless, but we must return to our bodies in order to experience all of this available wisdom. No amount of running away will serve us.“

-Anna Halprin

Self-Inquiry Process Work

Self-inquiry Process work

Self-inquiry Process work is a form of talk therapy where we uncover limited beliefs that have been integrated into your system since childhood. An awareness is shed on the things that hold us back and keep us from moving forward. These can be thoughts or experiences from our past that are either unconscious or conscious and that we have not been able to process. With this method, we gently understand and change our relationship with the things that scare us, block us, or cause us pain.

The result is freed-up space within, a feeling of relief and liberation.

Somatic Meditation

Somatic Meditation

This is a term I use to bring awareness to the sensations, discomforts, and pains that live in our bodies due to our emotional experiences. These parts can be tight and tender. They can sometimes hurt if we touch a particular area, or they can show up as anxiety in our chest or stress in our bellies. Together, we actively sense these parts and make peace with them.. bringing tools, dialogue, visualization, or hands-on energy healing to change our relationship with them. This allows us to feel at ease in our body, with more understanding, clarity, and confidence to navigate these sensations and deep emotions.

Energy Healing

What is Hands-on Healing work?

Hands-on Energy Healing is a healing modality that unblocks, harmonizes, and charges the energy field in and around your body (aura) and energy centers (chakras). When we find ourselves out of balance, stuck, depressed, or anxious, we have gotten out of alignment spiritually, mentally,  emotionally, or physically. Often, this can lead to pain/chronic pain, disease, fatigue, or negative habits and thought patterns. 

However, some of these energetic blocks have been with us for a long time and are ready to release. Energy work helps clear what is ready to be cleared and supports the field towards a place of balance and health. We start to change and walk towards becoming our best selves in life.

Into the Body

Why does Movement add to the healing experience?

Into the Body - is a movement practice designed to nurture self-awareness and healing by turning our focus inward to our bodies and emotions.

It helps heal physical and emotional pain through a sensory experience, fostering a deep connection to our bodies as sources of wisdom and safety.

This practice teaches us to calm our nervous system and self-regulate, enabling us to navigate life with greater confidence and freedom. By reconnecting with areas of our bodies that have been blocked or disconnected due to pain, we re-calibrate and harmonize our entire being, leading to a more integrated and heart-centered existence.

Into the Body is a gentle, slow, and profound way to infuse light and love into your life, offering a loving, dynamic, and inspiring experience.